Client Centric Lawyers

What does it mean to be a client centric lawyer? Lawyers get a bad rap sometimes and are seen as money grubbing slime-balls who bleed their clients for every dime they have. Now, that may be true in the movies but it hasn’t been true in my experience as an attorney. Most lawyers I know…

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Strengthen Client Relationships with Just Resolve

One question we often get at Just Resolve is about the role of attorneys in the Just Resolve process. In short, Just Resolve delivers an alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) service that does not require lawyer participation. However, Just Resolve is useful for client centric lawyers (those who care more about their client’s best interests than…

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Who Decides?

The ultimate decision maker can be one of the most important factors in resolving your dispute. Is your dispute being decided by a judge or a jury? Or an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators? Or is a mediator helping you come to an agreement? Or a proactive arbiter? Let’s take a look at the roles…

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“You Can’t Sue Me, We’ve Agreed to Resolve It!”

A common question we at Just Resolve have been asked is what a party can do if there is a written mutual agreement to use our “resolve” method, but then one party reneges by going to court instead. Due to Just Resolve’s similarities to other forms of dispute resolution such as mediation and Dispute Review…

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When Do Lawyers have a Duty to Step Aside?

Ethical Duty of an Attorney

Recently, Anon Moose, LLC. and NOYB, Inc.* had a $23,000 contract dispute that early negotiations failed to settle. In an effort to bring about an amicable solution for both parties, Anon’s attorney suggested involving a mutually agreeable neutral, for a set fee, to initially mediate the dispute and, if necessary, resolve the conflict via binding…

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